Days in a month

1. Watch this video. Repeat with it (mira el vídeo i repeteix el que diu):

2. Practice pronouncing months (practica la pronunciació dels mesos):

3. Use a song to help you remember the months (a veure si recordes la cançó!):

4. Remember the seasons? Study them (i les estacions, les recordes? Prova-ho!):

5. Crossword (fes el crucigrama)

6. Play a game with the months! (Joc de memòria)

7. Read this text aloud and record it. (Llegeix aquest text en veu alta i grava'l. Si has fet els exercicis anteriors, ja sabràs pronunciar tots els mesos bé)

30 days has September,
April, June and November,
All the rest have 31
Except for February alone
Which has 28 each year
And 29 in each leap year.